About the journal

    The journal Annales d’Université Valahia Târgoviste. Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire has appeared since 1999, representing an opportunity to valorize the research work of the academic staff from the History-Archeology Department, and also a chance to valorize the research work of the young teaching staff who carry out their activity at the Research Centers accredited by CNCSIS – „Preistorie, arheologie interdisciplinara si conservarea patrimoniului cultural mobil” (Prehistory, Interdisciplinary Archeology and Conservation of the Movable Cultural Patrimony). For objective reasons, in order to maintain our quality standards, from the moment when the journal began to appear on sections, sometimes we have published the results of two years of researches in a single tome, trying to preserve the continuity of the publication. Beginning with 2008, the journal appeared with two annual issues. Starting from 2017, it was decided to publish a single number per year. The themes have remained constant throughout the issues that were published so far in the domain of history and archeology, covering the following topics: prehistory and archeology, history and archeology of the Middle Ages. The structure of our magazine maintained its classical form: Articles and studies; Notes and Debates; Reviews. The standards of quality have been ensured by the presence in the Publishing Team and Editorial Board of the representative personalities in the domain of research for each historical period, from Romania and abroad, in the sense that each contribution was submitted to the appreciation of the members of the journal’s Publishing Team and Advisory Board by means of specialized reviews. The articles and studies published in the Annales d’Université Valahia Târgoviste Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire are published integrally in a language of large international circulation (e.g. English, French, German, Russian, Italian), having a permanent scientific impact, in the sense that they have often been quoted in the studies of our colleagues from Romania and abroad. At the same time, the journal have been included in several international databases (Elsevier, Scopus, Copernicus, Ebsco). The journal is remarkable for its extremely original contributions in the domain of prehistoric archeology, produced by a school that has been acknowledged in its domain and whose results have been appreciated not just nationally but also internationally, given the fact that it has carried out many research programs in collaboration with numerous universities from Europe, like those from Liège, Bordeaux I, Aix-en-Provence, the Musée de l’Homme and the Institute of Human Paleontology from Paris, Erlanger and Köln University from Germany etc. The results of such researches have often been the topic of articles included in the Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire. At the same time, in this journal can be found studies of many scholars from other universities from Romania and abroad. The journal is present in the libraries of many universities from Europe and the U.S.A., in most of the universities from Romania, in the libraries of history museums, and of other institutions with which we have had a permanent exchange. .



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