ANNALES D tome_10_no.1










General Instructions


  1. The Annalles D´Universite “Valahia” Targoviste, section d’Archeologie et d’Histoire, accept contributions in the form of original research papers, review papers written in French, English or German. The accuracy of the translation is the author’s responsibility.
  1. In a cover letter, the corresponding author must clearly state that the submitted manuscript has not been published submitted or accepted elsewhere, and that all authors agree with the content and the submission of the manuscript.
  1. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically by sending to the Chief Editor ([email protected]) a single file in PDF or MS Word format containing: (1) cover letter, (2) manuscript, (3) figure captions, (4) figure, (5) tables.
  1. The manuscript should not exceed 25 pages, including bibliography, written in Time New Romans (TNR), and font size 12, justify. The pages dimension is A4 (21 x 29.7 cm) with a 2.5 wide margin. The manuscript must contain an abstract in English and preferably a second abstract in a foreign language different from that of the manuscript. 


Manuscript preparation


The submitted manuscript should be arranged as follow: (1) title, (2) author’s names, (3) author’s affiliations, (4) abstract, (5) keywords, (6) manuscript, (7) references, (8) figure captions, (9) figures, (10) tables.

Title: This should be short, specific and informative and be written in Time New Roman, size 14, in bold and centered.

Authors: Write the full name(s) of author(s) in TNR, size 12, font italic, centred below the title.

Affiliation: Write the affiliation(s), complete postal address and e-mail address in TNR, size 10, justify, below the author’s name.

Abstract: It contains between 300 – 500 words and should not contain abbreviations or reference citations. The abstract should be brief and objective, and represent a summary of the paper that includes the methods used, the main results and conclusions. It should be written in TNR size 10 and the word “abstract” has to be in bold,as well as the translation of the title.

Key words: Five to six keywords should be given below the abstract. When there is a second abstract the key word will be translated also in the language of this abstract.


Main text:

  1. Follow the structure shown below for the headings:

-         First level (Bold capital and lower case, left)

-         Second level (Bold capital and lower case, left)

-         Third level (Bold italic, capital and lower case, left)

  1. Italics should be used for terms or abbreviations in other languages “et al.”, “etc”
  1. Measure units must be represented by their symbol in the International System of Units.
  1. Chemical and isotopic analyses as well as radiometric and paleontological dating must be referred to sampling locality and include coordinates.
  2. References cited:

a)      References are cited in the text by the initial of the author, last name of the author and the year (M. Otte, 1995). In the case  of a citation of a paragraph , this will be put in quotation and the page will be cited (M.Otte,1995, p.56-57)

b)      If the authors´ name is part of the sentence, only the year is bracketed: “M.Otte(1995) determined….”

c)      For references with two authors use the initial followed by their names and the year, (M.Otte, P.Noiret, 2004) and for those with three or more authors, use the last name of first author followed by “et al”. (M. Otte et al.,2006).

d)      References cited should be arranged chronologically; use a,b,c, etc for references to one author in the same year. Separate with coma the references to same author and with semicolon the references to different authors: (M.Carciumaru, 2002 a, M.Carciumaru, 2002 b; M. Anghelinu, 2005).



  1. The title “References”will be written in TNR, size 12, bold, centered, upper case
  2. Include only references cited in the text, figures, captions, and tables.
  3. Arrange the references alphabetically by first author and then alphabetically by second author. If more than one reference of the same author(s) is included, arrange them chronologically.
  4. For references with more than two authors, list alphabetically by first author and then chronologically.
  5. Do not abbreviate journal titles or publisher names
  6. For the most common cases, follow the examples:

a) Papers in periodical journals

Last name(s), Initial(s), Year, Article title (italic font), Journal title, volume, pages.

Demars, P.-Y., 2008, Paleogeographie de l´Europe dans la premiere partie du Paleolithique superieur – Premiers travaux, Annales d’Úniversité Valahia, Targoviste, Section d´Archeologie et d´Histoire, Tome X, Numero 1, p.29-45.

b) Books

Last name(s), Initial(s), year, Book title (Italic, bold), Publisher, City of publication, no. of pages, no of figures, tables, ISBN

Carciumaru M., Anghelinu M., Nitu E-C., Cosac M., Muratoreanu G., 2007, Geo-Archeologie du Paleolithique moyen, Paleolithique superior, Epipaleolitique et Mesolithique en Roumanie, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, Targoviste, 187 p., 48 fig., ISBN 978-973-8966-38-3

c) Chapters in books

Last name(s), Initial(s), year, Chapter title (in Italic), in Last names(s), Initial(s) (ed(s).), Book title( Italic, bold), Publisher, City of publication, No. pages and figure, ISBN, chapter pages.

Carciumaru M., 1978, Studiul paleoclimatic si geocronologic asupra unor statiuni paleolitice din Banat, in Florea Mogosanu, Paleoliticul din Banat, Editura Academiei Romane, Bucuresti, 152 p., 53 fig., p. 83-101.

d) Proceedings from symposia and conferences

Last name(s), Initial(s), Year, Title( Italic), in Symposia/conference name (Italic, bold), Publisher (Italic), City of publication, ISBN, pages.

Carciumaru M., 1994, Paleoenvironnement et chronostratigraphie du Paleolithique moyen et superior en Roumanie, Paleoecologie et geochronologie des industries du Paleolithique superieur ancien de la Roumanie, in El Cuadro geochonologico del Paleolítico superior inicial, Museo y Centro de Investigacion Altamira. Monografías, No.13, ISBN 84-8181-024-X, p. 15-23.

e) Unpublished thesis or reports

Last name(s), Initial(s), Year, Title, University, company, etc, City, Type of work, pages.

Geneste J-M., 1985, Analyse lithique d´industrie mousteriennes du Perigord: une approche technologiques du comportament des groupes humains au Paleolithque Moyen, These presentee a L´Universite de Bordeaux I pour lobtention du titre de Docteur, Universite de Bordeaux I, 577 p.

f) Maps

Author(s), Initial(s), Year, Type, Title and map number, scale, Publisher, City of publication, Map series, number of sheets.

Patrulius, D., Dimitrescu, R., Dessila-Codarcea, M., Gherasi, N., Popescu, I., Popa, E., Bandrabur, T., 1968, Harta geologica, Scara1:200.000, Brasov, Comitetul de Stat al Geologiei, Institutul Geologic, Bucuresti, 68p


Figure captions

A list of figure captions should be supplied on a separate sheet(s), numbered consecutively and included after the list of references.

The captions should include the figure number and a figure description. The description should be precise and contain the explanation of all symbols and abbreviations used.



  1. Each figure (maps, graphs, photographs) must be submitted on a separate sheet, be clearly identified with figure number and first author name.
  2. Submit figures as close to the final size as possible.
  3. Lettering should be between 8 and 12 points type size. Use graphic scale and include units of measure.
  4. Maps must indicate the North, have at least two coordinate data on each axis, and have a graphic scale. Localities mentioned in text, should be included in maps.
  5. Good, clear contrast black and white photographs are acceptable. The color photographs are accepted with restrictions (ask about this the editor managers). All the photographs should show the object of interest in an adequate size.
  6. References to figures in the text should appear as Figure 1.



  1. Tables should be submitted on separate sheets, numbered consecutively, and be identified by author’s names.
  2. Size of the tables should be of 21X29 cm
  3. References to tables in text should appear as Table 1.



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